Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I´m very green

Today enviromental problems have transformed in a very important matter, because If we don`t do anything about it the world don´t live to much more.
If someone ask me where to learn about environmental practices, I think that today there are a lot of sites to obtain this kind of information like magazines, books and websites like www.veoverde.com a website that I like a lot. There there are a lot of green solutions to live a life based on sustainable development.

Just this days I started thinking to put another trashbag in the kitchen to throw organic garbage. With this I want to do with my roommates a compost and put it in the garden to plant some things to our consume.

Also I try to use my bike the most that I can, minimum I use it 3 days a week when I go to my job. It is better than use public transport, you can save money, time and it is much more funniest.
I have never participate in an eco-organization because I don’t have to much time and I prefer to do something by myself.
Another thing that I usually do is recycling glass bottles and avoiding throw garbage in the street.

If I have to think what is missing in our Chilean society to improve this problem, I think that Chilean people have little conscious about environmental problems specially in Santiago where all the people know that we have big pollution rates and in spite of that the people continue travel one by one in these cars and continue polluting a lot our city.
The first that I think that we have to do with our society in environmental terms is to change the mind of the people around us.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your blog, I feel ashamed using the car...At the same time, I think that we can not solve the problem by getting rid of the car...To my mind the decision here is the production of cars which are less environmentally damaging...
