Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Earthquake

That night of march 26th I was in Santiago, I was preparing a travel to the Cajon del Maipo with some friends, it was 1 am and we still talking about the last details of the trip that we start the next morning.
Later everyone went to his home, expecting to get together the next morning to embark on
our adventure.
I was getting asleep when all started shaking, I have never feel something like that, it was my firts earthquake, luckily my and my family was allright.
Later as soon as I talked with my trip partners to know that them and their families was ok, and obviously to postpone the trip.
The next morning was a black morning a great part of our country was destroy.
After that night I learned that unforeseen event caused by the nature could been much more stronger that unforeseen event caused by men.


  1. That unfortunate what happened to your trip, but you never imagine things like this could happen, right?


  2. Good Alan,

    Some problems with verbs and sentence formulation, though.

    Go though it with a partner for editing before you start the next task.

    2 points.

