About all sociology`s theoretical I had seen during the carrer, who brings my atention was Karl Marx.
Karl Heinrich Marx was an intelectual and comunist militant borned in Treveris, Renania in 1818.
Karl Heinrich Marx was an intelectual and comunist militant borned in Treveris, Renania in 1818.
With Friedrich Engels are considered the main authors of the theory know like scientific socialism.
He studied to be a lawyer but he never practice because he decided to dedicate his life to write.
Marx wrote about a lot of camps like economy, philosophy, history, religion, etc. He`s recognize for develope a theory about social evolution based on the diferent mode of production that the societies have got.
Trought this theory Marx try to predict the end of the kapitalism, but lamentably he failed.
Marx wrote about a lot of camps like economy, philosophy, history, religion, etc. He`s recognize for develope a theory about social evolution based on the diferent mode of production that the societies have got.
Trought this theory Marx try to predict the end of the kapitalism, but lamentably he failed.
If I have to say why I like this author I can say that I like his way to analize the society because he try to look it from its totality.
Marx was a great theorical, he try to change the world with his theorys.