Friday, April 30, 2010

My favourite sociology´s father

About all sociology`s theoretical I had seen during the carrer, who brings my atention was Karl Marx.
Karl Heinrich Marx was an intelectual and comunist militant borned in Treveris, Renania in 1818.

With Friedrich Engels are considered the main authors of the theory know like scientific socialism.

He studied to be a lawyer but he never practice because he decided to dedicate his life to write.
Marx wrote about a lot of camps like economy, philosophy, history, religion, etc. He`s recognize for develope a theory about social evolution based on the diferent mode of production that the societies have got.
Trought this theory Marx try to predict the end of the kapitalism, but lamentably he failed.

If I have to say why I like this author I can say that I like his way to analize the society because he try to look it from its totality.

Marx was a great theorical, he try to change the world with his theorys.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My favorite band

My favorite band is Bersuit Vergarabat, this is an argentinian rock band arised in the 90´s.
Bersuit mix rock with latinoamerican´s genres like cumbia, tango, ska and candombe.

Nowadays the band is integrated by Gustavo Cordera (voice), J. Carlos Subirá (keyboard and voice), Carlos Martín (drums), Oscar Righi (guitar), José Cespedes (bass and voice), and anothers.
They have at the moment 10 albums, the most mentioned are "Libertinaje", "De la Cabeza" and "La Argentinidad al Palo", but also I Like a lot "Hijos del culo".
Bersuit is very famous in Latinoamerica, they have been in Chile a lot of times and I went to see them every when I can (more than 4 times)

If I think why Bersuit is my favourite band I can say that I like a lot his letters that talked about angainst the political system and the actual society, and also I like his romantical songs.
So I say that this band talk about every great man want to heard.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Earthquake

That night of march 26th I was in Santiago, I was preparing a travel to the Cajon del Maipo with some friends, it was 1 am and we still talking about the last details of the trip that we start the next morning.
Later everyone went to his home, expecting to get together the next morning to embark on
our adventure.
I was getting asleep when all started shaking, I have never feel something like that, it was my firts earthquake, luckily my and my family was allright.
Later as soon as I talked with my trip partners to know that them and their families was ok, and obviously to postpone the trip.
The next morning was a black morning a great part of our country was destroy.
After that night I learned that unforeseen event caused by the nature could been much more stronger that unforeseen event caused by men.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Hi, Im Alan guy my university`s nickname (shico Alan mi sobrenombre en la U), welcome to my blog.
I`m 23 years old, I`m studing Sociology in 5th year, the last one.
I hope to learn a lot of english during this year, and publish my english learning in my blog.

It`s Friday`s afternoon so I leave now, bye and enjoy your weekend.

pd: see in the grasses